sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008

what love might possibly be about. maybe.

Well, before getting the meat, let's start off with the rice: I fully understand that love can be explained as one of evolution's way of getting us to procreate. (So are orgasms, but I digress.) I also understand that soul mates are probably about as real as that piece of bread in your hand. (Made you look.)

That said, I have always been a proponent of the thought that love, at its purest and most untampered by society, bases itself far less off gender, and far more of pure compatibility between two (or more than two) people's personalities. However, as I learned in a humanities class I took last year about love and it's history (it was fascinating, by the way), love and attraction are both controlled by social constructions. I'll assume at least 98% (Fabulous Statistic© #2, and I'm actually considering making this a staple) of the people who will ever read this blog were raised thinking that a woman should love a man's penis, and a man should love that big-titted porn star.

Seriously, check out those breasts, they're like inflatable, plastic, round balloons filled to the brim with silicone. I can't stop staring.

Anyway, because we're raised by that one set social standard, it's hard for us to break out of that mold. And don't give me any crap about, "but people can be gay or bisexual", because that's so far from my point, you're all the way in Albuquerque.

you rule man.

I'm more referring to how, despite advances in how sexuality can be viewed, we're still really far off from creating a society in which people are allowed to fall in love with people, not gender, and are also free to freely enter as many back doors as they want, kind of like the boy lovers in Athens. (Hmm, 300? Anyone?)

At any rate, I really don't know when the whole "let's classify your sexuality" deal started, but whenever it did, it seriously hindered the way we are allowed to view ourselves sexually. Who's to say you are wholly straight, or wholly gay? Come on guys, after more than a few tequila shots, that guy over there is surely going to start looking attractive. (If you're gay, replace tequila with appletini and guy with woman.)

But more importantly, why is shame the most prominent emotion when it comes to sexuality? Or anything in sex and one's bodily functions that doesn't involve giant penises and virginal women? I'm not advocating that we change our views overnight, because it's impossible. Nor do I want to get into anything too kinky (sorry, no, I'm not into horses). Nor do I want people to start questioning everything they ever thought was true about themselves.

I guess I just want people to think about things a little differently. If not for the fact that you're 100% you're straight, would you view your best friend differently any differently? If you're bisexual, who's to say you have to love both genders equally? And if you're a straight man trapped in a woman's body and want to carry your wife's child, who are we to criticize?

That said, the prompt of this particular entry was a conversation between my fiancee, in which we came to the conclusion that, if I were a man or he a woman, we might just have fallen in love for one another. Whether we'd recognize it as such remains up in the air though.

More importantly, just enjoy love and sex for what they are: two different ways to really enjoy life. (Or cut yourself to, you decide.)

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