Bueno, el País está en medio de un "trauma" socioecopolítico por las acusaciones de corrupción que se han hecho hacia (hasta ahora) nuestro gobernador Aníbal Acevedo Vilá. Vas para la página de El Nuevo Día y para Primera Hora, y eso es lo único que se lee. El principio del fin de uno de los políticos más ineptos que ha tenido el País.
Sure, whatever, it's the same story as every other politician we've had, except this one got arrested.
Get over yourselves, and help yourself to a beer while you're at it.
Back to your regularly scheduled program.
sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008
and now, for something completely different
Publicado por Di en 17:07 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: politics, something different
viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008
bigger is better
I don't remember what time it was, or why I was even watching TV. I don't really have the habit of watching TV anymore, except during my vacations. Anyway, this commercial popped up for this cereal:
I can't remember what exactly it was about, asides it being completely and stereotypically boy-centric, but I did catch this last line: "Bigger is better!"
And I just had to stop whatever else it was I was thinking, and ponder on the simplicity of a message such as this. Bigger is better. Bigger houses, bigger cars, bigger bombs, bigger buildings, bigger (or fatter) people. If it's bigger, it's a sign that it is, quite obviously, better. And of course, like everything else in our male-centric society, this thought transfers over to the lovely member sticking out from the crotch of our males: the penis.
A penis is not good if it's small. Fuck that shit, a penis has to be huge if it's going to keep up with this big-infused society. How am I ever going to fit in if my tiny penis can't hold the weight of my HUGE bowl of HUGE Honey-Combs? I mean, really, never mind that ten-inch suckers hurt when hard, don't fit into a normal, six-inch deep vagina, suck out all the moisture from vaginas, and are generally a pain-in-the-ass. You're the man.
Of course, these aren't things you didn't know before. But what struck me the most is that this kind of message seems to start targeting younger and younger kids. It's as if all a society cares about is displaying well-hung, sweaty virile men as the desirable thing, and the only way to drive that home is by making cereal commercials that have penis-envy vaguely embedded into its message. Then, later on, it'll move on to cars. Then it'll move towards random things like boats and telescopes, and then houses and body fat. And then, when they have a beautiful model with them in bed, she pulls down his pants, and guess what? He's hung like a light switch. Oh the shame.
And, to top it all off, women are led on to believe that they NEED huge penises in order to get off in sex. A lot still don't know that the clitoris is all you need for pleasure, not the thrusting of a twelve inch penis. Men with those penises just want you to think that, but that's just the stupidity created in their heads from the loss of blood in their brain (since most of it is in their penis to keep it mildly hard). Really, if you're in bed with a guy that's got a five-incher, but gives you the best cunnilingus of your life, will you care about how big his penis is anymore? Not likely.
At any rate, I like to let the men fight over who has the bigger what while they circle jerk each other and eat their Honey-Combs.
I just hope that women realize sometime soon that they don't need a huge penis.
Technorati Tags: penis envy,size matters,sizePublicado por Di en 21:07 3 comentarios
Etiquetas: penis envy, size
jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008
the creation of the femi-buddhist
I'm sure the term femi-nazi is pretty well-known, or at the very least has dispersed itself far enough to reach the ears of those in favor of male supremacy or a true balance between the genders. Though I have to agree with the general opinion that femi-nazis are out to destroy men and place females at the center of everything, at the same time, I have to wonder why the disdain for those who are in favor of women and all humans themselves.
I suppose the disdain is not something that is new or recent. We live in a culture, and world, that centers itself predominantly on the man, his power, his ability to lead both countries and families, and his role as the most important. In smaller words, we center ourselves on the penis, it's shape, and more importantly, it's size. Because, of course, bigger is always better, even if it leads to a severe case of anemia and the inability to please a woman. And we women should always feel privileged to receive this golden bastion of pleasure, because it's the man that can give this to us, not that eighteen-inch super-deluxe vibrator that just came in the mail. Or our fingers even.
What are we good for? Having a tight, wet hole in between our legs. That's it. Congratulations, woman-kind, we've found the answer to life.
Now, I'm not about to argue about how unfair this is, how women are SO much better than men, and so on and so forth and this is boring I'm falling asleep. I'm here because some time ago, I called the curtains on my previous venture into the insanity, Can't you just fix me? Recently, though, I had gotten to do some thinking. In terms of the very broad subject of gender and who goes first, most people seem to believe that either men are better or women are better. There's really just no middle ground. Me? Well, I've always liked to believe that I'm a humanist. I think each human being is no better or worse than the other, only in terms of the constructions society has placed on us. Which, therefore, just complicates everything.
But, being a humanist doesn't make for a very attractive blog, so I have coined the term femi-buddhist. Some asshat probably beat me to the punch already, but I'll just carry on for the moment. I'd like to think that, no matter what gender you are, each one has their own particularities that deserve to be critiqued and beaten to the ground. Unless you want to do the woman thing and manipulate the facts and people to gain the upper-hand. But really, though humor is the backdrop of this blog, what I want to say and express here are things that I feel should be touched upon, over and over again until someone finally gets it, and we reach nirvana.
So here's to the first day of the femi-buddhists. It's going to be a long and bumpy ride.
[Right, so, welcome to the new insanity. As I mentioned, this is a new blog, and it focuses on a new topic entirely. The previous one was just reality twisted by my point of view. This blog will just chew gender debates and spit them out. Delicious. Anyway, I very much appreciate feedback and comments of any sort. If you'd rather not comment here, feel free to email me at inohiwatari@gmail.com, and I'll get back to you. For info on me, check the side bar. Love people.]
Publicado por Di en 17:23 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: femi-buddhist, feminism, sexism